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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Šta određuje brzinu punjenja?
Da biste napunili električni automobil, trebat će vam punjač koji pretvara izmjeničnu struju iz kućne utičnice u jednosmjernu za...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Electric car at low temperatures?
At sub-zero temperatures, the maximum driving range is reduced because the car consumes more energy to heat the interior and maintain the...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Are electric cars environmentally friendly?
The cleanliness of an electric vehicle directly depends on the source of energy for recharging, the researchers write. If it is powered...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Can't you go far with electricity?
The first mass-produced electric cars drove a little more than 100 km without recharging. The new gold standard is over 300 km, but there...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Which charger is better
It is difficult to answer this question - the station must be selected for each specific case. But there are a few rules. In Montenegro,...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
How long do batteries last?
While European manufacturers provide an 8-year warranty on batteries, Chinese manufacturers are increasingly using a lifetime warranty....
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
European classification of charging stations
In Europe you can find charging stations, which are divided into 4 types: Mode 1. The lowest power station that can be powered from a...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
Charging connectors.
Europe managed to introduce a unified connector standard in time. In practice, three types of connectors are used: For AC: Type 2 (also...
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Jan 21, 20241 min read
What determines the charging speed?
In order to charge an electric car, you will need a charger that converts alternating current from the household outlet into direct...
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